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The Ohio State University - 无

Wei-Lun Chao

学校:The Ohio State University



自证认识导师:I worked with Prof. Chao during his PhD and Postdoc

学术水平:very knowledgeable about machine learning, has many good insights in computer vision. publishes tons of top tier conference papers a year.

学生补助:Standard Stipend Package in OSU

师生关系:He shows great respect to the students, has a strong passion and can be super supportive in helping out your research. Super cool collaborator


学生前途:Encourages moderate industrial experiences during the senior years of a PhD student. Helps the student to reach out opportunities.

Xia Ning, PhD

学校:The Ohio State University



自证认识导师:Assistant Professor

office: 310-C Lincoln Tower phone: (614) 366-2298 fax: (614) 688-6600 email: [email\xa0protected]">[email\xa0protected]\u200b

mailing address: 250 Lincoln Tower 1800 Cannon Drive Columbus, OH 43210

Ning was trained as a Computer Scientist. Ning’s research is on Data Mining, Machine Learning and Big Data Analytics, and their applications in Chemical Informatics, Drug Development, Medical Informatics and Health Informatics. She develops efficient data mining and machine learning methodologies to facilitate rapid and targeted exploration over chemical and biological spaces, and effective computational algorithms (e.g., recommendation, information retrivial) to analyze medical and healthcare data (e.g., electronic medical records, pharmacovigilance data). Her Ph.D. thesis was on Recommender Systems. Her research is currently supported by NSF and NIH.

学术水平:Openings The Lab provides unique opportunities and environment for the development of cutting-edge computational methods and the application of such methods in high-impact, real-life medical and health problems. The Lab currently (as of Aug 1, 2018) has multiple openings for Ph.D students, MS/undergrad students, postdocs and visiting scholars. Please check the corresponding pages under “Openings” for more information.

Jianjun Guan

学校:The Ohio State University



实验室已经有3个人转走,在组内的每一个都想转走,博后来之前先要做3个月volunteer,也就是不给工资白干。学生评价:没人性,做人不地道,冷酷,抠门,经常拿学生毕业做威胁,暗示等,晚上干到12点是家常便饭,周末加班,夜里11点给你发邮件,出差不让坐飞机,最经常提的是那个cheap, 这个cheap和 I don\'t care. 系里名声差,众所周知,隔壁系的学生也知道。学生谈话,都要录音,因为经常说话不算话。在白人教授面前卑躬屈膝,谄媚像个狗一样;在其它国际学生面前尽量表现;在自己学生面前装逼。



